P.O.N.Y. Association Rule Books are available at the shows for $5.00.

    2012 Class Changes & Rules

    Lead Line – 4 Yrs. to 7 Yrs.
    Entry Fees - $5.00 Per Class

    2011 Class Additions & Changes

    Class Additions
    Small Fry Western Pleasure - 8 to 14 Years
    Small Fry Western Equitation - 8 to 14Years
    Small Fry English Pleasure - 8 to 14 Years
    Small Fry English Equitation - 8 - 14 Years

    Grooming & Showmanship Ages to coincide with the other classes.
    14 & Under
    15 to 18
    19 & Over

    {This is a clickable link to view}
    Make sure you comply!

    Hunter In Hand Class is governed by the ApHC Rules

    Longe Line is governed by NSBA Rules

    In Hand Trail Class is governed by APHA Rules

    All of these rules can be accessed at their relative sites & are available at the P.O.N.Y. Shows.

    So there is no confusion at the end of the day when everyone is trying to pack up - load up & go home, entrants running a "tab" for classes will be asked to leave a signed, dated check at the sign up desk.
    If someone inadvertently forgets to cash out their tab it will already be taken care of.

    Please remember that the Judges decision is Final in ANY class.

    NOTE: From the 2005 rules -
    If 2 people are using the same horse or pony with 2 different numbers, you are required to pay 2 Office Fees whether you are signed up for Points or not. (Example: 1 person shows the horse in Halter Classes & another person shows in riding classes with a different number or if 2 people use the same horse in separate riding or halter classes with different numbers, two Office Fees are required.)

    Rule Changes for 2010

    1. Entry fees for all classes including Queens and Princess will be the same amount with the exception of the Jackpot classes. Jackpot Classes will remain at $10.00 per class per show.

    2. When there are 2 or more shows run concurrently ALL fees will double, Entry Fees, Grounds Fees, Jackpot Classes, etc.

    3. Eliminate the reading of the minutes at each meeting. Minutes are emailed to delegates and officers prior to the meeting as well as handed out at the meeting. Additions and/or corrections can be made from these sources.

    4. Refunds credits will only be given for death of horse, injury or illness that makes horse ineligible to show both accompanied by a Vet Certificate if the horse has not been shown at any shows during the current show year. Horses sold prior to the beginning of the show year would also be eligible for refund credit. Credits to be used during that show season only. NO Carry over to following year. No refund on Point Number.

    5. Add Versatility Horse Class set up similar to the Queen's class, with Class of the Day to be drawn by judge, to be placed each week with Award Buckle for High Point to be given at Awards Banquet. List of Class Options will be posted prior to the beginning of show season.

    6. Point Numbers and Class Sign up must be paid with separate check from entry money if paid for at shows.

    7. All Queen and Princess candidates will pay for their own Banquet meals.

    8. Reigning Queen and Princess will not be eligible to compete in class the year that they hold title. Princess may compete in Queen's Class if they meet the age qualification.

    9. Grounds fee to be increased to $5.00 per horse.

    10. Single Memberships will $10.00 - Family Memberships will be $15.00

    2009 Rule Changes

    Points START the day you sign up & pay entry. No points from previous shows will count.

    Point numbers will be 1-100, as there are not enough entrants to maintain the numbers to 150.

    Only a Point Rider/Handler can use point number for a regular show.

    All reserved numbers must be paid for or they will be opened for anyone to pick from. Reserved numbers can not be used for show unless you are signed up for points.

    A signed blank check MUST be left at the Entry Booth if you are running a tab.

    2008 Rule Changes

    Ponies must be 58” or less. If animal is registered in a horse registry, (example: American Quarter Horse, Appaloosa Horse Club, American Paint Horse Assoc., etc.) you MUST declare the animal either a HORSE or PONY at the first show you attend & this will remain in effect until the end of the show season. This will apply to both Point & Non-Point Riders. There will be NO cross entering between horse & pony classes.

    All clubs holding a show will be required to attend a mandatory training meeting to go over forms, rules & helpful suggestions. This meeting will be held prior to the beginning of the show season. This meeting is designed to help the show personnel & get them familiar with the forms & procedures, etc., before the morning of the show.

    All member clubs will be responsible for either $300.00 in ads for the P.O.N.Y. Ad Book or cash whether they hold a show or not. Any club holding more than one (1) show will be responsible for $300.00 per show.

    Knock down in Pole Bending Class is changed from 2 seconds to 5 seconds, making all game classes the same.

    Add Hunter In Hand Class – All ages plus Minis.

    Queens/Kings – Princess/Prince Classes – Drop Western Riding & Reining & change Egg & Spoon to Golf Ball & Soup Spoon.

    Queens/Kings – Princess/Prince Classes – Same Rider – Same Horse all year unless extenuating circumstances.


    Contents of these pages are © by P.O.N.Y. Assoc. unless otherwise noted.
    Reproduction by any means is strictly prohibited.